Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thoughts from the 1950's

I ran into a fellow from Texas the other day. We were waiting for a Starbucks Coffee Shop to open around 10 til 7 in the morning. He told me a couple of things hid dad taught him, as he was growing up in Texas in the 1950s. His dad owned a gas station.

About having Customers wait:

1. Nothing is better than having people lined up to get into your store, and there is nothing worse than making them wait. (his dad opened 10 minutes earlier than the posted time, to avoid the wait to get gas at his station)

This gentleman pumped gas for his dad, which always included a top off of air in the tires, plus a windshield washing for free. His dad always was on him about leaving some streaking and a few spots on the windshields. This he could not understand, so he asked his dad what was wrong with a few spots left on the windshield.

2. His dad said, "The customer cannot see the gas I put in their tank, or the air I put in their tires, but they can see the windshild, and will judge my station by the way it looks."

Nice thoughts. If he had written a book, I would hope to have been lucky enought to buy it.

New "Lip Plumping" Technology

I saw this ad in an airplane shopper magazine. Think it would go over as a Christmas gift?

Moon (again)